KDT Soft. RAM Cleaner is an application that frees up RAM space thus speeding up the PC. An excellent interface shows graphical real-time gauges for RAM and CPU usage. This helps you monitor the usage and hit the ‘clean RAM’ button to instantly free up memory. This is especially useful in low RAM machines and those with older operating systems. High resource machines will not show drastic improvement in performance. On the application window there’s also another graph that plots the system load in real time. RAM, page file, CPU and virtual memory statistics can be observed. The RAM Cleaner uses swap files to optimize the computer’s memory management. With better memory management, applications take lesser time to load, websites open faster and the system in general becomes quicker. There are 3 more tools in this KDT Soft. RAM Cleaner. The CPU info tool shows the processor on which your machine runs. Its manufacturer, speed, type and some processor features are found out for you by the tool. Then there’s a disk pie showing free space / used space of each of the computer’s drives. The statistics revealed by both of the above tools can be saved onto a file, including the image of the pie. The third additional tool is the temp folder analyzer which sorts out the temp files in various ways. It shows you the files being currently in use too, along with the sizes. The files can be cleaned through the window if desired. Overall it is a handy application. What’s more is that sound alerts and notifications can be set for RAM usage crossing the threshold. Auto-clean feature, if enabled, cleans RAM when the threshold is crossed. Threshold is user-defined. Full marks to the user interface; it is splendid.